European parliament elections 2009

7 June 2009

Število oddanih glasovnic: 482.058
Število neveljavnih glasovnic: 18.586
Število veljavnih glasovnic: 463.472
Results - by electoral districts

The results of voting in the electoral districts are stated in individual tables because of the large amount of information.
Click on the constituency, for which you wish to see the results of voting for electoral districts.

Constituency 1 - Kranj
Constituency 2 - Postojna
Constituency 3 - Lj. Center
Constituency 4 - Lj. Bežigrad
Constituency 5 - Celje
Constituency 6 - Novo mesto
Constituency 7 - Maribor
Constituency 8 - Ptuj

NOTE: The calculation of the latest situation is done only to demonstrate the d'Hondt method of calculation and refers to preferential votes (Article 13 of the ZVPEP), and with each new entry from the polling station this can change. Posted estimates have no legal effect and cannot be the subject of any legal proceedings.