The National Council is the representative body for social, economic, occupational and local interests.
It is composed of 40 members as follows:

  • four representing employers,
  • four representing employees,
  • four representing farmers, crafts and small businesses and independent professions,
  • six representing non-commercial activities,
  • 22 representing local interests.

The organisation of the National Council is governed by law, while its specific powers are recorded in the Constitution.

The National Council can:

  • propose the adoption of acts to the National Assembly
  • give the National Assembly opinions on any matter within its competence
  • demand that the National Assembly decide once again on legislation before it is promulgated
  • demand investigations of matters of public importance referred to in Article 93.

At the request of the National Assembly, the National Council must express an opinion on a specific matter.

In contrast to the National Assembly, the National Council is elected indirectly. Voting rights are held only by those who are fellow members of the interest groups guaranteed representation in the National Council. Another special feature is that active voting rights are held to a certain degree by aliens performing a relevant activity in Slovenia in one of the special interest areas, or who are employed in Slovenia.

Elections are conducted by special electoral bodies. Standing for election to the National Council is left by law entirely to the actual interest organisations and local communities. These groups put forward candidates in accordance with their own rules.
A relative majority system is used to determine the outcome of voting, meaning that those candidates who received the highest numbers of votes are elected as members of the electoral body.

Elections to the National Council are called by the President of the National Assembly.